Nora' s sisters, Mary and Suzanne, and niece Hannah flew in from the east coast for the weekend. They all were up bright and early Saturday and began "planting" the more then 200 plant labels Nora and friends Marty and Earl helped construct several weeks earlier. Upwards of 400 visitors toured the gardens from 9am to 4pm. Nora's plant sale was quite successful, selling all of the 100 plus cuttings she prepared for the Stroll. The proceeds went 50% to the Symphony and 50% to Brian and Erin's special project, the Spring Green Dog Park. With comfortable weather, it was a delightful day made even more special with the music of a cellist and two flute players from the Chippewa Valley Symphony who serenaded the strollers in the morning and afternoon. ...and now, after gallons of liquid deer and rabbit fence, mole traps and weeding, the gardens have been returned to mother nature and her ways.
Check out the videos and see pictures of the Garden Stroll. Thanks to Hannah for some of the photos.