Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Garden Stroll

Nora's Gardens were in prime condition on Saturday, June 28 to help the Chippewa Valley Symphony Garden Stroll to be a rousing success.
Nora' s sisters, Mary and Suzanne, and niece Hannah flew in from the east coast for the weekend. They all were up bright and early Saturday and began "planting" the more then 200 plant labels Nora and friends Marty and Earl helped construct several weeks earlier. Upwards of 400 visitors toured the gardens from 9am to 4pm. Nora's plant sale was quite successful, selling all of the 100 plus cuttings she prepared for the Stroll. The proceeds went 50% to the Symphony and 50% to Brian and Erin's special project, the Spring Green Dog Park. With comfortable weather, it was a delightful day made even more special with the music of a cellist and two flute players from the Chippewa Valley Symphony who serenaded the strollers in the morning and afternoon. ...and now, after gallons of liquid deer and rabbit fence, mole traps and weeding, the gardens have been returned to mother nature and her ways.

Check out the videos and see pictures of the Garden Stroll. Thanks to Hannah for some of the photos.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Two Celebrations

Rene & Tom Albold and Nora & Bob Fuller

Today we spent time at the Richfield Fuller's visiting with the Albolds and their friends and relatives. Marc and Amy set up many tables in their back yard and a large tent. The garage was set up with food and beverages, all very nicely decorated/coordinated to an Hawaiian theme. There also was an interesting Tiki bar with six different drinks. Everyone was encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts to the gathering. It was Tom and Rene Albold's 40th anniversary and Tom's retirement party. Tom and Rene's entire family was gathered together for the first time since Marc and Amy's wedding. We had a delightful time visiting and some delicious food from Famous Daves. The weather was perfect. ...and today is Nora's birthday as well.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sailing, Sailing...

On Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Sailor Bob
joined long-time friend Larry for a day of sailing on Larry's boat. We left Hansen's Harbor about 3 miles north of Lake City, Minnesota at 10:30 AM. As we motored out of the harbor we noticed that the wind was blowing directly down Lake Pepin so our trip to Pepin, Wisconsin would be direct. We arrived about 1 3/4 hours later. The return trip required numerous tacks resulting in a return time of 4:30PM and about a 30 to 35 mile trip. That's the most sailing I've ever done. Beautiful weather and perfect winds made for a delightful day of sailing (click here for photos).

Thanks, Captain Larry!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Adding a blog...

As we continue to build our web site we'll also post activities on our new IMFULR Blog. Watch for new postings.